Brand positioning

We set you apart from your competition and define how customers perceive and engage with your brand by defining the key qualities and values of your business

The importance of positioning your brand 

Is there a personality to your brand? Your brand's personality should help you connect with your target market and set you apart from the competition. This is accomplished through a clear message employed consistently whenever and wherever your organisation "speaks." To effectively reflect your brand, we generate creative, smart, and engaging messaging as part of our brand positioning services.


Stand out in the crowd

Creating a position for your brand is about proving the worth of your company/ product while emphasising the weakness of your competitors. Positioning seeks to identify and define that crucial point of differentiation you can own so that customers understand why they should choose your products or services over others.

Our Dubai-based brand strategists research the market and target audiences as part of a brand strategy to ensure your brand is defined in the most optimal way.

How we can help

We develop an effective positioning strategy to help you stay ahead of the competition in a world of competitive marketing. We help you to identify "the appropriate position" in the market for your brand to stand out - both by customers and rivals.

Contact us at Formulate, a leading branding agency in Dubai, to see how we can define your brand's position to ensure maximum exposure to the right audience.




Formulate – your brand postitioning

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